Common Fishing Knots - 3 Knots That Every Angler Should Know


3 min read

As fishermen it's vitally important that we know the best ways to attach our fishing hooks, lures, terminal tackle and/or two lengths of fishing line together when we are out on the water fishing. This is where fishing knots come into play. Most anglers don't know how to tie the most common fishing knots and this fact hinders their fish catching ability. More fish are lost due to faulty or improperly tied fishing knots, than for any other reason.

In this article I will list 3 common fishing knots that every angler should know along with a quick description of how to tie each knot. If any of these methods of attaching tackle to fishing line aren't a part of your fishing arsenal,they should be added sooner rather than later so that you never lose a fish due to a faulty knot.

The Improved Clinch Knot - This fishing knot is a very popular and reliable choice for attaching any form of terminal tackle to your fishing line. If you are attaching a single fishing hook to the end of your line (for example) thread the line through the eye of the hook, then wrap the line back around the line itself five to six times and thread the "tag" end back through the loop the first "wrap" created. Pull the knot tight and you have tied the improved clinch knot. The Uni Knot - This knot is similar to the improved clinch, with the difference being that many anglers say that the uni knot is stronger than the improved clinch.

First thread your fishing line through the piece of tackle being attached, pulling approximately five to six inches of the line back over itself and creating a loop large enough to wrap the "tag" end of your line (the end of your line) back through the line itself. Wrap the "tag" end of your line around both pieces of fishing line six times and draw the knot tight. Although this sounds complicated and is difficult to explain fishing knots for beginners in words, the uni knot is a very easy to tie as far as fishing knots are concerned and if you see a diagram of the knot your will learn it quickly. The Palomar Knot - This is a good knot for braided fishing line (which can be difficult to tie knots with) as well as monofilament fishing line. This is a very popular method of attachment among professional bass fishermen. This one is started by threading your line through the eye of the piece of tackle being attached and then back through the eye, creating a four to six inch length of "doubled" line.

A loose overhand knot is now tied with the doubled line with the lure, hook, or piece of tackle being threaded through the loop created at the end of the loose over hand knot. Pull the knot tight and you're good to go.

Because some of these fishing knots are difficult to explain with words alone, it is a good idea that you do some research or purchase a knot tying guide that outlines each of these knots with diagrams showing you how they are tied. Having pictures when it comes to tying fishing knots makes learning them a ton easier.

Trevor Kugler is co-founder of and an avid angler. He has more than 25 years experience fishing for all types of fish, and 15 years of business and internet experience. He currently raises his five year old daughter in the heart of trout fishing country.